Autumn Ball 2018

Autumn Ball 2018

Once again, the past pupils of Visakha (along with their guests) met up in the opulent surroundings of the Grange City Hotel in London on 13 October to celebrate the enormous contribution their Alma Mater has made - and still continues to make - to society, by producing motivated and well rounded women living highly successful lives all over the globe. 

The ballroom and the tables were very tastefully and lavishly decorated creating a very elegant environment. The mix of guests from different cultural backgrounds highlighted the ability of Visakhians to integrate and interact successfully with others living and working in the land where they have chosen to settle, whilst continuing to maintain old relationships and upholding their own cultural values. 

Needless to say the food was superb. The lively music was carefully selected to cater to the needs of the young and the not so young allowing both slow and very energetic dance moves. 

Hope everyone who missed out attending this fabulous even will make a note in their diaries to join us at Visakha Nite - our slightly less formal but nevertheless fun filled dance on Saturday 9 March 2019 at the Holiday Inn, Wembley where the usual sumptuous Sri Lankan buffet will be served.


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