The primary objective of Sri Lanka Sumithrayo is the prevention of suicide.
In 1995 SL had the highest rate of suicide in the world - 47/100,000 people. This was a 700% increase from 1950 when it had been 6.5/100,000. 75% of these suicides happened in rural areas and the commonest method of suicide and self-harm was the ingestion of lethal agro chemicals.
In 1996 Sumithrayo launched its Rural Programme. Initially in 2 medium sized, agriculture based suicide prone villages in the North Western province. After 2 years the incidences of suicide and self-harm had fallen to zero. The Rural Programme was slowly expanded and now works in over 110 villages in the North Western and Southern Provinces and has 2 befriending centres one of which is in Lunugamvehera. The Programme uses trained volunteers to build up close, trusting relationships with families in crisis.
The Programme is 3 pronged.
1.Provides suicide awareness and education programmes in schools. The % of deliberate self harm is very high in the under 20 age group especially amongst young girls. Also awareness programmes are held regularly in temples and churches.
2.Befriending – offering emotional support to the depressed and the despairing.
3. Research oriented studies on suicide prevention. From art competitions in schools the Sumithrayos learned that violence and subsequent attempts at suicide were mostly centred around the home. A research study in collaboration with WHO led to the provision of lockable storage boxes for safe storage of pesticides etc. This has helped in the reduction of suicides and self-harm.
During 2017, the Rural Program carried out a series of sessions at a school in Panduwasnuwara over a period of one year providing guidance and enhancing the soft skills of Grade 9 students on coping, positive thinking, asking for help, communication, identifying suicidal feelings, etc., to help cope with suicidal feelings if and when they arise. The program was successful and appreciated and hence another school was selected to continue with this program in 2018. In 2017 the suicide rate had dropped to 15.2/100,000.
Lack of suitable human resources and adequate financial help remain the biggest constraints for Sumithrayo
PPAV(UK) is raising funds to help with the annual cost of the field staff at the lunugamvehera Centre. Please support us in this very worthy cause.
Find the further details for the walk and the collection form